Monday, July 31, 2023

On lying, lack of integrity and incongruence

My boy, when you lie. When you steal. When you do things that go against the person you want to be and know you can be, the real victim is you. When you eat candy, yet claim to be healthy. When you call yourself a Christian yet you don't read the Bible. When you claim to be a good friend yet you backbite and gossip about your friend. You hurt yourself and your own self-esteem more than anyone else.

You can't run away from the contradictions, cognitive dissonance and brain fog that living hypocritically will bring you. You may be hurting everyone else. But you're really only hurting yourself the most. Because you're telling yourself that you can't be trusted. Stop lying, stop pretending and stop giving up because someone is mad or talked shit on you. They don't matter as much as you do. 

You can't deceive a person that is with you 24/7.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Forgetting The Difference Between Action and Motion

Nike was spot on with their slogan.

I read Atomic Habits. And throughout the two months since I've finished that book and moved on to different things, I've forgotten the biggest and most important lesson from the book. Action ain't the same thing as motion. 

Obsessive planning is just advanced procrastination. Fuck the plan, get out there and do it, get some feedback and then make a plan.

I've messed this up with many, many different areas in my life. I've read a book on dating and have watched tons of videos on that shit but how many dates has sitting around strategizing and reading gotten me?


How many dates did flying by the seat of my pants and talking to random people get me?

Like three or four.

My point is made. Strategy isn't useless, but it's important to remember that it's nothing without actually practicing. And the only way to do that shit is to do it.
Not to wite about doing it. Not to talk about doing it. Not to plan to do it.

But just to fucking do it.